About Short Reads

Passing thoughts and more personal things about Nelson and his times. Be warned, some pieces I write may border on the silly.

‘Nelson was once Britannia’s god of war,
     And still should be so, but the tide is turn’d’

Don Juan: Canto the First, Lord Byron, 1818

  • England Expects

    England Expects

    England expects. For years, I hated that phrase. Find out why.

  • Losing Nelson by Barry Unsworth (1999)

    Losing Nelson by Barry Unsworth (1999)

    There are plenty of Nelson biographies out there, but he doesn’t make as many appearances in fiction as you might think.

  • The Divine Comedy Sing… Trafalgar

    The Divine Comedy Sing… Trafalgar

    As with most Divine Comedy songs, you wonder why ‘Trafalgar’ isn’t better known. I’m not sure how it escaped me for so long.

  • The One With Emma Hamilton

    The One With Emma Hamilton

    Lady Emma Hamilton, the great love of Horatio Nelson’s life, was born OTD in 1765. She began life a peasant, then married into high society, had an affair – and a lovechild – with the most famous sailor in the world, and somehow died a pauper. It’s a long and hair-raising story, which I intend…

  • St George’s Day

    St George’s Day

    I’ve never really understood what these ‘Saint’ days are all about. But, seeing as it is St George’s Day – in which we English purport to celebrate a Turkish soldier killing an imaginary dragon in Libya roughly two millennia ago – I thought I’d share an anecdote that is stonkingly patriotic even by Nelson’s high…

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